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Kawasaki rose precrease by Kevin Hines

Posted: October 25th, 2003, 11:47 pm
by JMcK
This is now the method that I almost always use to fold the Kawasaki rose from Origami for the Connoisseur/Origami Dream World:

The main advantage of this method is that it produces no creases other than the ones needed to form the rose, so the final model has a smooth, unblemished look. Some people claim that it also makes folding the rose a lot faster, though I haven't really found this myself.

Note that you'll probably need to have already folded the rose using one of the conventional methods to be able to follow Kevin's text instructions.

Posted: October 26th, 2003, 12:18 am
by saj
Hey John,

I'm so glad that you managed to get that ... I forgot to mention it to you at BOS!

For those who don't know, John has the nicest way of folding the Kawasaki rose - the most beautiful rendition I have ever seen!


Minimal Crease Rose

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 11:10 pm
by childofsai
Thank-you John for this.
I always loved your rendition of this rose and it was great of you to teach it to me this weekend at the Autumn BOS Convention 2004.
Typical now of course, I've forgotten how to do it again. Good thing you gave me this link :)

My life has new meaning!!!


Posted: September 11th, 2004, 11:30 pm
by TheRealChris
any pictures of this rose?


Posted: September 11th, 2004, 11:34 pm
by childofsai
:lol: :lol: :lol:

i think so :wink:

check out JMck's avatar picture. That's the one.


Posted: September 13th, 2004, 8:33 pm
by mleonard
Just got back from Bristol - spent half the train journey trying to remember this....

I think I've realised why I keep getting it wrong. I always forget which creases are mountains and which are valleys, so I'm never sure where I'm supposed to turn over. But the rose can of course be folded in both right handed and left handed versions, so if you forget to turn over you don't just swap mountains for valleys, you also swap handedness. You can blithely continue on thinking you've put the creases in the right places, and indeed you probably have got all the correct creases - but half of them are for a right handed rose, and half of them are for a left handed rose....

Oh well. If I try again with the text instructions, and John's wonderful folding still fresh in my mind, maybe I'll get it.

Posted: September 13th, 2004, 10:04 pm
by mleonard
mleonard wrote:
Oh well. If I try again with the text instructions, and John's wonderful folding still fresh in my mind, maybe I'll get it.
Except, of course, the text instructions are different from what John taught. Now I'm even more confused...

Minimal Crease Rose

Posted: September 14th, 2004, 2:27 am
by childofsai
aw nuts. if you're having trouble, then I can imagine I will too.
I haven't gone thru the text yet. Someone's asked me to do origami centrepieces for a function on the weekend, so i'm quite busy with that. Any chance of writing down your procedure John?


Posted: September 14th, 2004, 10:43 pm
by mleonard
It's OK, I think I've got it figured out. Kevin Hines's description has all the right creases, but in a slightly illogical order. John has rearranged them so that the sequence flows much better, and has also left out a couple of steps that were unnecessary.

The sequence as John taught it is, I believe, this:


Posted: September 17th, 2004, 5:10 pm
by JMcK
I think the way I taught it was in pretty much the same order as Kevin's instructions; the only difference is that I kept the corners folded in after his step 7.

(But then the order you put the creases in doesn't really matter as long as you can find a workable sequence.)

Mark's diagram looks good and is probably a lot easier to follow than text instructions, though it leaves out the creases put in by Kevin's step 7, which make the rose easier to collapse.


Posted: September 17th, 2004, 8:57 pm
by mleonard
JMcK wrote: leaves out the creases put in by Kevin's step 7, which make the rose easier to collapse.
I left them out because you left them out!

I've just re-read Kevin's description and the differences are only minor, although they seemed major when I was trying to remember it. But what really gets me is the bit at the end where he says he can fold a rose in three and a half minutes! Bet he can't fold them like Mr McKeever, though.

minimal crease rose

Posted: October 7th, 2004, 3:41 pm
by childofsai
i just tried kevin hines' text instructions and i have gone wrong somewhere. My paper looks wrong from the diagram makr is showing. i think i'm reading it wrong in steps 5,6,7 or something.



Posted: October 7th, 2004, 8:23 pm
by mleonard
This is like a game of "spot the difference"...

Kevin's step 5 is crease 5 in my diagram, so there should be no problem there. If this step is confusing you, then you must have gone wrong somewhere beforehand.

Kevin's step 6 is my crease 9. To be honest, I can't remember when John put this crease in when he taught it, so I just placed it in the sequence where I thought it made most sense.

As previously noted, I have left out Kevin's step 7 altogether. You have to make these folds eventually, but there's no real need to pre-crease them - you can just as easily put the folds in after you have started doing the twisty thing. I'm almost certain that this is the way John taught it in Bristol, but in either case it's the way that seems easiest to me.

Posted: October 8th, 2004, 11:33 am
by childofsai
you're right. In step 5 I folded to the wrong "step 3" fold according to Hines.

However, i notice that with Hines' instructions, step 3's fold is supposed to be a 1/4 length. However, your step 2 is around 3/4, to meet the intersection of your folds 3,4 and 5.
Is it necessary for the line to meet that intersection? or has Hines just done a typo?

Vignesh (still following the folds, as we speak...)

Posted: October 8th, 2004, 11:51 am
by childofsai
scratch that. i just collapsed the rose and obviously step 3 needs to extend all the way to the intersection.

Thank-you all!

Let's see if I can finish this off...
