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Origami terms in different languages

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 12:23 pm
by Sara
Hi All,

I'm in the process of translating some origami terms, and thought it'd be good to document this somewhere. It'd be great if others could add other languages, or help me with the German terms I posted. [origami_8 helped me with lots of them - thanks!]

English -- German
mountain fold -- Bergfalte
valley fold -- Talfalte
inside reverse fold -- innerer Gegenbruch / Gegenbruch nach innen
outside reverse fold -- äuβerer Gegenbruch / Gegenbruch nach auβen
squash -- quetschen
open sink -- offen versenken
closed sink -- geschlossen versenken
petal fold -- Blütenblattfaltung
rabbit ear -- Hasenohr
pleat -- Zick-Zack-Falte / Doppelfalte
crimp -- Zick-Zack-Falte / Doppelfalte
spread-squash -- gespreizte Quetschfalte
swivel -- Schwingfalte
crease pattern - Faltmuster
waterbomb base - Wasserbombengrundform

Finally, yes, it probably makes sense to always add the English term. But it'd be good to see which other terms are already in use in foreign languages.

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 12:45 pm
by TheRealChris
open sink -- offen versenken
closed sink -- geschlossen versenken
petal fold -- Blütenblattfaltung
spread squash - gespreizte Quetschfalte

and because there is no big difference between a crimp and a pleat I would use the same term.

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 1:51 pm
by abauseind
"Base" is usually translated as "Grundform", so I would say "Wasserbomben-Grundform" or shorter "Wasserbombenform"

waterbomb base - Wasserbomben-Grundform, Wasserbombenform
bird base - Vogel-Grundform, Vogelform

...and equivalent for the other bases

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 2:04 pm
by InsomniacFolder
Peter Paul Forcher's Diagrams often included.

auf der Rückseite ebenso - Repeat Behind

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 2:39 pm
by FlareglooM
Hi, I will do the Dutch ones though some of them I'm not sure off

Also found a PDF with Hungarian?? names of the folds:

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 7:07 pm
by abauseind
What I've forgot to say. Sara, I think this is a great idea that you collect the traslations and share it with others.

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 11:09 pm
by FlareglooM
I've started to work on something:

English: ... tablez.jpg



Searched around for some terms so there can be some faults in it :)

Posted: April 29th, 2009, 8:26 pm
by Finward
Many of the terms used in Spanish are the same than in English, and some are not translatable, but, well, here's my best approach.
English - Spanish
Mountain fold - Pliegue monte/montaña
Valley fold - Pliegue valle
Inside reverse fold - Hundido/ Pliegue hendido
Outside reverse fold - Pliegue reverso/pliegue vuelto
Squash - Doblez aplastado
Open sink - Hundido abierto
Closed sink - Hundido cerrado
Petal fold - Pliegue de pétalo
Rabbit ear - Oreja de conejo
Pleat - Pliegue escalonado
Crimp - Hundido escalonado
Spread squash - Doblez aplastado
Swivel - Deslizar
Crease pattern - Patrón de plegado
Waterbomb base - Base bomba

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 12:15 am
by TheRealChris
Searched around for some terms so there can be some faults in it
german version:
there's a spelling mistake. it's calles "äusserer Gegenbruch" and not "äuberer Gegenbruch". theres a common problem with a special german character that we call the "sharp s". its near to impossible to make a correct computer-font from it. the common front will (as a compromise solution) create this version
although the correct character should more look like this
but you can always replace a sharp s with a double s

and maybe you should rename the terms "innerer Gegenbruch" with "Gegenbruch nach Innen" and "äusserer Gegenbruch" with "Gegenbruch nach Aussen".

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 5:02 am
by Crane89
Here it comes... Portuguese!

mountain fold -- dobra em monte
valley fold -- dobra em vale
inside reverse fold -- dobra inversa interna
outside reverse fold -- dobra inversa externa
squash -- achatar
open sink -- afundar aberto
closed sink -- afundar fechado
petal fold -- dobra em pétala
rabbit ear -- orelha de coelho
pleat -- prega
crimp -- prega
spread-squash -- achatar e estender
swivel -- deslizar
crease pattern - padrão de dobras (but I've seen a Brazilian folder use CP instead)
waterbomb base - base da bomba d'água

for further info, take a look at the link:

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 10:16 pm
by arnorigami
English - French
mountain fold -- pli montagne
valley fold -- pli vallée
inside reverse fold -- pli inversé intérieur
outside reverse fold -- pli inversé intérieur
squash fold -- pli aplati
open sink -- enfoncement ouvert
closed sink -- enfoncement fermé
petal fold -- pli pétale
rabbit ear -- pli oreille de lapin
pleat -- repli
crimp -- repli double
spread-squash -- ?
swivel fold -- pli pivot
crease pattern -- canevas de plis
waterbomb base -- base de la bombe à eau
preliminary base -- base préliminaire
fish base -- base du poisson
bird base -- base de l'oiseau
windmill base -- base du moulin
frog base -- base de la grenouille

The waterbomb base is also called "zusammengeschobenes Dreieck" in German

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 12:26 am
by chapbell
This would make a boffo database.

Just saying.

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 5:49 am
by Sara
I'll look into making some sort of database out of this. I first have to sort out what features I want it to have, and how to add this to happyfolding.

-- Sara

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 6:48 am
by helliluya
English - Chinese
mountain fold -- 峰折 or 山折
valley fold -- 谷折
inside reverse fold -- 內翻折
outside reverse fold -- 外翻折
squash fold -- 沉壓折
open sink -- open sink
closed sink -- closed sink
petal fold -- 花瓣折
rabbit ear -- 免耳折
pleat -- 段折
crimp -- 兩邊段折
spread-squash -- 沉壓折( the same as squash fold, I 'll have to check on that)
swivel fold -- 沉壓折 ( the same as squash fold, I 'll have to check on that)
crease pattern -- 折痕圖
waterbomb base -- 水雷基本型
preliminary base -- 正方基本型
fish base -- 魚形 or 魚的基本型
bird base -- 鶴型 or 鶴的基本型
windmill base -- 風車基本型
frog base -- 蛙型 or 青蛙基本型

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 9:04 am
by Sara
First of all, thanks to everyone who's been posting translations. This thread is really developing in a way I could have only dreamt of.

As to making a database, I've started a small test at , but it's by far not done yet. Obviously, terms need to be added, but I also want to:

* have a search box
* change the way terms are displayed: list the translations below each other, rather than next to each other; sort them by language
* let others add terms or translations for terms [have to be approved by myself, I guess - else there'll be too much spam]
* add a way of rating translations or reporting incorrect translations
* add images for each term.

That's just the things I can think of from the top of my head.

But I'm off for the weekend (holiday today), so no more work until next week on this. Also probably no responses from myself until next week...

If you think I missed anything, go ahead and post those ideas here.

-- Sara